Sunday, February 6, 2011


Have you ever ordered an omelet at a restaurant and wondered how many eggs were used to make it? A pancake restaurant chain on the West coast actually uses six eggs to make their omelets. How is that even possible? Most quiche recipes don’t even call for that many eggs (each quiche usually call for four eggs).


When you are trying to make sense of all the nutrition news you read and hear, keep this simple suggestion in mind — eat more whole foods and eat less processed foods. And guess what…eggs definitely qualify as a “WHOLE FOOD” Eggs provide key nutrients, such as a nice dose of the phytochemical, lutein (found in the yolk), thought to ward off age-related macular degeneration, and high quality protein (most of which is in the egg white). Other key nutrients include vitamin A, vitamin B-2 and B-12, and selenium.
So having an egg occasionally or even daily can be part of a healthy diet. Yes, they are loaded with cholesterol (about 210 mg cholesterol per egg), but saturated fat in food has a stronger effect on raising LDL “bad cholesterol” than the cholesterol in food, and one egg contains about 1.6 grams of saturated fat.

We never seem to eat just one.
If we sit down to an egg-based entre, they almost always feature two or three eggs per serving like omelets, quiche, frittata, eggs benedict, scrambled eggs etc…Consuming three eggs per person increases the total of fat, saturated fat and cholesterol quite a bit. Now suddenly we are talking about a serving containing:
15 grams of fat
4.8 grams of saturated fat
636 milligrams of cholesterol

And these numbers don’t even include the ingredients we tend to add to egg dishes, like cheese, bacon or sausage.
Bottom line: Eggs aren’t nutritional poison, but nobody needs to eat three to six eggs in one meal.


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Liver Cleansing.

Coffee Enema to flush out the gall stones

continue with a water enema to flush out.

Quiry what's that in the toilet bowl? Its the bad cholesterol and gall stones,some its small and some are slightly bigger and do you know that there's some even bigger than this?
After a long while did not do LIVER CLEANSING,and was having slightly fever and cough yesterday,I took another try to do liver cleansing again,drank my colozone at 11 and following a 125mls of talbot grove cold pressed olive oil at 12,suddenly I woke up at 5 and feel congested,its so hard to make me fall into sleep,I cant even poop and feel dizzy.
At 0530 hours I was hoping I could sleep but not,so I decided to do coffee enema earlier and hoping it really flush out something this time as previously I failed.
After the first flush of coffee enema,I feel more alert and fresh..a bowl of bubble in the toilet bowl and I know its all the gassy wind trapped all these while in my intestine and due to some gastric problems,I know whatever flush it out,thank god.
Continue with a water enema and I feel much more comfort and another full bowl of bubbles in the toilet bowl and this time I feel much more lighter than previous.
I know due to my hardworkingness that made me not enough sleep and food that sometimes irritates my body,this is a not enough flush out,but at least I gets to sleep.HEHE!
after having the flush out,I went off to bed at 0700 and ahhhhh..I woke up at 12.hehe,it was a peace sleep and since today is a holiday to me,that's why I have not much worries about enjoying my sleep.After showering myself,doing chanting and had my lunch,thought to continue my assignments and suddenly heavily rain poured,it makes me feels wanna sleep again,so..imma went off to bed. HAHA!
1730 imma wakes up again,imma thought everyone was not at home and imma found that mommy and second brother was at home,so imma wash up and had enjoyed dinner with them. <3
Imma wanna do liver cleansing again after chinese new year :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What Is Healthy Diet?

- Eat locally produced natural products
- Follow the nutritious balance as follows ;
   Cereal and Beans : Vegetable and Fruits : Meat and Fish = 5:2:1
- Take in animal protein from seafood
- Keep healthy diet
      ` Chew food well
      ` Eat at least 4-5 hours before going to bed
      ` Eat moderately,do not overeat !
      ` Preferably avoid eating between meals
- Eat fermented food including miso (bean paste) and natto
- Eat less sugar
- Avoid processed food and ready meals with a lot of food additives

Monday, June 28, 2010

10 steps to a great LUNCH :)

10 Steps to a Great Lunch
Whether you pack or buy your lunch, follow these guidelines:

1.Choose fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are like hitting the jackpot when it comes to nutrition. They make your plate more colorful and they're packed with vitamins and fiber. It's a good idea to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day, so try to fit in one or two at lunch. A serving isn't a lot. A serving of carrots is ½ cup or about 6 baby carrots. A fruit serving could be one medium orange.

2.Know the facts about fat. Kids need some fat in their diets to stay healthy — it also helps keep you feeling full — but you don't want to eat too much of it. Fat is found in butter, oils, cheese, nuts, and meats. Some higher-fat lunch foods include french fries, hot dogs, cheeseburgers, macaroni and cheese, and chicken nuggets. Don't worry if you like these foods! No food is bad, but you may want to eat them less often and in smaller portions. Foods that are lower in fat are usually baked or grilled. Some of the best low-fat foods are fruits, vegetables, and skim and low-fat milk.

3.Let whole grains reign. "Grains" include breads, cereals, rice, and pasta. But as we learn more about good nutrition, it's clear that whole grains are better than refined grains. What's the difference? Brown rice is a whole grain, but white rice is not. Likewise, wheat bread contains whole grains, whereas 100% white bread does not.

4.Slurp sensibly. It's not just about what you eat — drinks count, too! Milk has been a favorite lunchtime drink for a long time. If you don't like milk, choose water. Avoid juice drinks and sodas.

5.Balance your lunch. When people talk about balanced meals, they mean meals that include a mix of food groups: some grains, some fruits, some vegetables, some meat or protein foods, and some dairy foods such as milk and cheese. Try to do this with your lunch. If you don't have a variety of foods on your plate, it's probably not balanced. A double order of french fries, for example, would not make for a balanced lunch.

6.Steer clear of packaged snacks. Many schools make salty snacks, candy, and soda available in the cafeteria or in vending machines. It's OK to have these foods once in a while, but they shouldn't be on your lunch menu.

7.Mix it up. Do you eat the same lunch every day? If that lunch is a hot dog, it's time to change your routine. Keep your taste buds from getting bored and try something new. Eating lots of different kinds of food gives your body a variety of nutrients.

8.Quit the clean plate club. Because lunch can be a busy time, you might not stop to think whether you're getting full. Try to listen to what your body is telling you. If you feel full, it's OK to stop eating.

9.Use your manners. Cafeterias sometimes look like feeding time at the zoo. Don't be an animal! Follow those simple rules your parents are always reminding you about: Chew with your mouth closed. Don't talk and eat at the same time. Use your utensils. Put your napkin on your lap. Be polite. And don't make fun of what someone else is eating.

10.Don't drink milk and laugh at the same time! Whatever you do at lunch, don't tell your friends a funny joke when they're drinking milk. Before you know it, they'll be laughing and that milk will be coming out their noses! Gross!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Daily Routine (Dinacharya)

  • Wake up in time. Before wakening up one should judge that the food taken last night at dinner has been digested properly or not. If you feel some flatulence and discomfort in the abdomen, sleep for more time. Generally it is said the one should wake up before sunrise, no doubt it is good for you but for this you will have to sleep early in night!
  • Drink good amount of water, just after leaving the bed and go for a walk, or light exercise. If you can drink hot water, it will help your body to wash out all the stored toxins of the yesterday.
  • Go to toilet when there is a good pressure for stools. Don't strangulate for the stools as it can lead to the Piles, Fissures, Prolapse of anal canal and many other diseases of ano-rectal region. Start taking Herbal Tea, if you are addicted to go for the toilets after BED-TEA.
  • When going for exercise, remember that you should work out until you sweat in armpits and on forehead, not more than this. Because by exerting your body, you are enhancing the wear and tears inside the body.
  • Teeth, tongue and mouth requires a special care in morning session. Use herbal Dantmanjana (Teeth Cleaning Powders) according to your Doshas. Scrap the tongue properly and gargles with warm water, after adding the herbal gargles powders in the water, according to your Doshas.
  • When taking bath take care water shouldn't be too hot or too warm!! Take water on room temperature and if you are facing problems like Diarrhoea, Coryza (common cold), Facial paralysis avoid taking a bath for the day.
  • After taking bath, have the Herbal tea, according to your requirement along with the herbal mixture according to your Doshas. It will maintain your Doshas for the whole day.
  • Don't forget the thanks giving to the Almighty force, for this beautiful world he has given to us to live. Promise yourself that you will do something creative for the betterment of the world. This world is yours and you are due to this world, so by doing good for the world you are doing good for yourself.
  • Don't wear the false smile on your face, it can only leave stretch marks on your face. Try to smile at heart, that will come to your face by itself.
  • Don't cheat or make any false statements, it makes you to remember everything and once you are over loaded by the useless thoughts, these will lead you to depression, anxiety and many other diseases at your nervous center (Brain).
  • Eat in time and eat according to your Doshas. Try to plan your diet according to your Doshas and your Prakruti.
  • Read healthy literature and knowledge giving books and articles, this is a food for your brain and it should be good.
  • Don't go for horror movies and hip-hop too much. These are good for the enjoyment not for your body and brain.
  • Go to bed in time. Nights are to sleep and days are to work. Look at the ANTS thy are the most hardworking animals of the planets, they have a particular fashion at work. They start early and stop at a particular time.
  • Don't sleep in day time. It causes over 46 diseases according to Ayurveda like - obesity, diabetes, arthritis, heart diseases and many more.
  • Sex is a natural urge, don't suppress it. Remember the social norms and don't kill your moral values for the pleasure of few seconds! Don't go for intercourse daily, it is good only once in a week.
  • Thursday, December 10, 2009

    Moving Towards A Healthier Lifestyle.

    Our health is like a wheel, carrying us along the journey of life.And like a wheel needing its spokes, our health need six basic elements in order for it to flow smoothly, hence springing to life the concept of WAFERS...
    Guided by our belief that the human body is created as a great natural healing machine and that the attainment and maintenance of optimal health through the WAFERS lifestyle is within everyone's reach.

    Water - We drink water every day, to quench our thirst and to cool our body. Yet this same water carries most sickness and diseases. Water, being the most important life-sustaining element after oxygen, is vital in transporting nutrients, regulating our body temperature and eliminating wastes from the body. Since it is pure water that our body needs, the ideal drinking water is none other than distilled drinking water. After all, pure water is one of the greatest health gifts we can give ourselves.

    Air - It is a fact that we need plenty of oxygen for survival, healing, and health. It is the most important life-sustaining element. Four to six minutes without it would spell death. While it is important for us to take measures to consciously cut down global pollution, we must also take pro-active measures to improve the quality of air that we breathe daily. To ensure a consistent supply of fresh air, we encourage the use of safe and reliable air purifiers. In addition to fresh air, we also emphasize the importance of developing proper techniques in breathing.

    Food - We advocate proper nutrition, efficient assimilation and sufficient elimination. It is not how much you eat but how well you eat. Modern day over-processed and overly-refined food has rendered our daily meals far from what they should be: our medicine! Instead, our food has become a sure cause of diseases and ultimately death for many. Yes! Whether we are conscious or not, we are aging and killing ourselves before our time. The benefit of food is not in its abundance or taste but its nutritional quality. Ultimately, we are what we eat.

    Exercise - Appropriate exercise is vital to our well-being. Since life itself is motion, the more we move, the more alive we become. Exercise effectively promotes elimination of wastes and increases out intake of fresh air and oxygen.

    Rest - We spend one-third of our life sleeping. Sleep has tremendous recuperative power. In sleep, the body cleanses, repairs, re-energize and heals itself. Yet today, we are so busy that we are starved of sleep. Rest and sleep is every bit as essential to life as water, air, proper nutrition and exercise.

    Sunshine - Being in the tropics, our primary concern is not lack of sunshine but excessive exposure to sunlight. More importantly, in our health philosophy, sunshine refers to the radiating joy and happiness from within. We are what we think and believe we are. In addition to positive mental self-affirmation, we encourage all to pursue greater spiritual and community life, based on our holistic health concept.

    Wednesday, September 9, 2009

    This blog I created because of the notes and experience I wanted to share and hopefully I hope that could help people that indeed with health problems..but since ever that day Mom said she wont let me forward my studies after 3 years with heart went puzzled..wasnt feeling wanna continue study..