Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Daily Routine (Dinacharya)

  • Wake up in time. Before wakening up one should judge that the food taken last night at dinner has been digested properly or not. If you feel some flatulence and discomfort in the abdomen, sleep for more time. Generally it is said the one should wake up before sunrise, no doubt it is good for you but for this you will have to sleep early in night!
  • Drink good amount of water, just after leaving the bed and go for a walk, or light exercise. If you can drink hot water, it will help your body to wash out all the stored toxins of the yesterday.
  • Go to toilet when there is a good pressure for stools. Don't strangulate for the stools as it can lead to the Piles, Fissures, Prolapse of anal canal and many other diseases of ano-rectal region. Start taking Herbal Tea, if you are addicted to go for the toilets after BED-TEA.
  • When going for exercise, remember that you should work out until you sweat in armpits and on forehead, not more than this. Because by exerting your body, you are enhancing the wear and tears inside the body.
  • Teeth, tongue and mouth requires a special care in morning session. Use herbal Dantmanjana (Teeth Cleaning Powders) according to your Doshas. Scrap the tongue properly and gargles with warm water, after adding the herbal gargles powders in the water, according to your Doshas.
  • When taking bath take care water shouldn't be too hot or too warm!! Take water on room temperature and if you are facing problems like Diarrhoea, Coryza (common cold), Facial paralysis avoid taking a bath for the day.
  • After taking bath, have the Herbal tea, according to your requirement along with the herbal mixture according to your Doshas. It will maintain your Doshas for the whole day.
  • Don't forget the thanks giving to the Almighty force, for this beautiful world he has given to us to live. Promise yourself that you will do something creative for the betterment of the world. This world is yours and you are due to this world, so by doing good for the world you are doing good for yourself.
  • Don't wear the false smile on your face, it can only leave stretch marks on your face. Try to smile at heart, that will come to your face by itself.
  • Don't cheat or make any false statements, it makes you to remember everything and once you are over loaded by the useless thoughts, these will lead you to depression, anxiety and many other diseases at your nervous center (Brain).
  • Eat in time and eat according to your Doshas. Try to plan your diet according to your Doshas and your Prakruti.
  • Read healthy literature and knowledge giving books and articles, this is a food for your brain and it should be good.
  • Don't go for horror movies and hip-hop too much. These are good for the enjoyment not for your body and brain.
  • Go to bed in time. Nights are to sleep and days are to work. Look at the ANTS thy are the most hardworking animals of the planets, they have a particular fashion at work. They start early and stop at a particular time.
  • Don't sleep in day time. It causes over 46 diseases according to Ayurveda like - obesity, diabetes, arthritis, heart diseases and many more.
  • Sex is a natural urge, don't suppress it. Remember the social norms and don't kill your moral values for the pleasure of few seconds! Don't go for intercourse daily, it is good only once in a week.